at and t 3g frequency

Help understanding T-mobile Radio Frequency - Howard Forums.
Data when my phone shows AT&T? | Support - Support - T-Mobile.
AT&T: T-Mobile 3G phones will eventually need to be replaced.
can at&t bold work on tmobile 3G frequency - BlackBerry Forums at.
T-Mobile's GS2 with extra 3G frequency band, compatible with AT&T.
May 21, 2013. T-Mobile has announced that they are spending 4 Billion rolling out LTE. incompatibility (?the iPhone chip can't use Tmob's 3G frequency).
This AT&T phone can handle high-speed data connectivity via AT&T's 3G .. frequencies as well as AT&T's 850/1900 MHz UMTS/HSDPA 3G frequencies.
Only getting edge speeds with straight talk t-mobile sim -
Data when my phone shows AT&T? | Support - Support - T-Mobile.
Sep 23, 2008. The T-Mobile 3G network may look like those in use by other global carriers, but it's not. T-Mobile uses a radio frequency band (1700 MHz) for.
Feb 26, 2011. Bell FULLY UNLOCKED and ready to use anywhere and on any network. HSDPA (3G) frequency is 850/1900 Mhz. Work 3G with at&t in the.
Oct 8, 2011. If 850MHz is really going to be on it, then, it should be able to connect 3G on AT&T and other non-US carriers in Asia (HK, TH, PI), increasing.
HOW TO: Enable 850Mhz 3G Network Frequency on your Samsung i9000.