white cloudy urine while pregnant

Does your urine change when pregnant? - Ask.com.
I've been told that little white flakes or cloudy urine is an early sign of. Now, when pregnant, you may find yourself drinking more (due to.
Jan 10, 2010. Pregnancy. theres been a handful of times when the urine has had a cloudy appearance. It looks like it contains little white flakes or something.. Now if it is true cloudy urine (you can't see through it), it is probably a UTI.
I have notice the past 2-3 days that my urine has been very cloudy.. White with a very very slight tint of yellow. i pee so much now, but when i go pee. increased mucus production that happens with pregnancy (including random runny nose).
So I remember this from the last pregnancy I gave a lot of urine samples all were clear and yellow. Today. Very cloudy, and even grosser, it had some white floaters. No one saw it while I was there it was handed to the lab in a paper bag.
Cloudy urine - October 2011 Babies - What to Expect.com.
pregnant: UTI? Kidney infection?
Urine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Jan 22, 2009. Now when you see cloudy urine, there is no reason to fear it might be. if your urine is cloudy, because cloudy urine may also signal white.
The most common cause of cloudy urine is totally harmless.. usually due to white blood cells (leukocytes) in the urine, which are a response. with high blood pressure is a worrisome combination in pregnancy and needs to.
What color is your pee? - Yahoo! Answers.
white cloudy urine while pregnant
Cloudy urine sample? - TMI - To child.Oct 9, 2008. Tags: urinary, cloudy urine, pregnant, stomach ahces, Gas, Infection, green. Am 20 years old, when i use the bathroom my urine gives.[more].
Is this normal in pregnancy or could it be a sign of something? Normally your urine is quite cloudy - it can be a sign of leucocytes (white blood.
hmm maybe a UTI ? have you seen a doc? is it burning when you pee at all? smell and cloudy urine made me realize i had my first yeast infection.. could it be . The cloudiness could be from white blood cells in your urine.
Has anyone else noticed their urine being cloudy? It is most likely a UTI, I got a lot of those when I was pregnant, are you having to go more.
Cloudy urine sample? - TMI - Mothering.com.
Am I Pregnant - Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy.
white cloudy urine while pregnant
Cloudy urine in pregnancy (full thread) | Mumsnet Discussion.I've been told that little white flakes or cloudy urine is an early sign of. Now, when pregnant, you may find yourself drinking more (due to.
Jan 10, 2010. Pregnancy. theres been a handful of times when the urine has had a cloudy appearance. It looks like it contains little white flakes or something.. Now if it is true cloudy urine (you can't see through it), it is probably a UTI.