quilters cache borders

Search results - quilter's cache - Search - HandyCafe.
Rocky Road to Dublin - Page 2 - The Quilter's Cache.
The most important thing in my life is my relationship with Jesus.
Here on its side is a 4 block by five block quilt with borders and bed post splits

quilters cache borders
Border Styles for Your Quilt - QuiltQua.com.
Project Linus Quilt suggestions.
Does anyone have a pattern for a ribbon border? I've looked at the ones on Quilterscache.com but I'm wondering if there's anything else.
This quilt has lots of gorgeous fabrics in it, and the blocks and borders were nice and flat when I. This quilt was made with blocks chosen from Quilter's Cache.
quilters cache borders
The Attraction Block - The Quilter's Cache.The most important thing in my life is my relationship with Jesus.
Carpenter's Square - Page 4 - The Quilter's Cache.
Shown here on its side, this quilt is four blocks by five with plain borders! Happy Quilting Folks! Marcia

A mother of 4 boys, gramma of 4 girls and 4 boys, great gramma.